Climbers Airdrop » Claim FREE $MITHRIL

With their most recent airdrop, Climbers Airdrop is providing a once in a lifetime opportunity to grab FREE MITHRIL Tokens valued at $10,000. This brand-new cryptocurrency airdrop is totally legal and open to all participants. It’s quite simple to claim your tokens; all you have to do is sign up on their website and adhere to the straightforward instructions. Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to obtain free cryptocurrency tokens. Join Climbers Airdrop now to start accumulating more rewards!

About Climbers:

Climbers is being developed as a cutting-edge blockchain game. As a result, it has several distinguishing features that set it apart from traditional games:

Not a fixed gameplay – Climbers pursues constantly changing gameplay. Stages are continuously provided through user-generated content (UGC), and units are added and evolved based on user feedback. Moreover, stages change as players’ tactics and actions evolve.

More than just a cooperative or battle game – In Climbers, while rivals are targets to be defeated, unique gameplay requires cooperation to reach the goal. This combination of competition and collaboration is part of the game’s appeal.

Not just a money game – The core gameplay is an engaging game created by Platinum Egg with their utmost effort. It is entertaining enough to stand as a regular smartphone game on its own.

Not just a game – As a blockchain game, Climbers differentiates itself from traditional games by incorporating economic elements. We believe that blockchain games resemble “betting games,” and the ideal game becomes even more exciting with the addition of these economic elements.

Roadmap – Climbers is intended to be a successful game. Therefore, after release, the roadmap may change significantly based on the number of users of the game and feedback from users.

Climbers is planning to release the game on iOS and Android app stores and launch a WebGL version in the second quarter of 2023.

The team will also continue to implement regular feature updates. In Climbers, user feedback is actively sought through platforms like Discord and Trello, and the team adopts a community-driven approach to updating the game’s features.
This allows the game to meet users’ expectations and continue to provide an increasingly attractive experience.

Climbers Airdrop:

  • Reward: Up to $5 worth of MITHRIL
  • Winner: Random winners
  • Distribution: 30th July 2023.

How to Claim Climbers Airdrop:

  1. Contact the Telegram Bot here!
  2. Complete all tasks under Telegram Bot’s direction, and after the airdrop ends to earn airdrop tokens.
  3. As an additional benefit, you can claim the

Airdrop Rewards:

  • Total Airdrop Pool: $10,000 worth of MITHRIL Tokens.
  • Reward Pool: $10,000 worth of $Mithril tokens
  • Participation Reward: $5 worth of Mithril tokens
  • Referral Rewards: $2 worth of Mithril tokens (Max cap: $100).

Stay up to date on the latest crypto airdrops by following us on Telegram & Twitter!

Note: Watch the video below if you are having difficulties claiming the latest crypto airdrop!

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