Somnia Airdrop » Claim FREE 1K USDT

With Somnia, the newest cryptocurrency airdrop, users can get a chance to win a FREE $1000 USDT. In the world of cryptocurrencies, this fresh and legitimate airdrop is generating a lot of talk. Somnia has entered the fray by providing a substantial quantity of free tokens, in response to the growing craze for airdrops as a method of token distribution. For those who want to join the expanding Somnia community and obtain some free cryptocurrency, this is a fantastic chance. Take advantage of this fantastic airdrop and get your $1000 USDT right away!

About Somnia:

Somnia is a project initiated by the Virtual Society Foundation. This project aims to realize the potential of the metaverse and to help create fulfilment and value for all of us.

To do this Somnia is going to enable what we refer to as “the Metaverse computer”. This will enable all people, places and things in the metaverse to be on-chain, interoperable and composable. This is essential for a future metaverse that is not controlled by one mega corporation and where value flows to its participants.

The Somnia project will encompass a set of technologies and an ecosystem around it. These include a new high performance L1 Blockchain, a protocol for interoperable and composable content and a consumer facing browser to interact with the network (the metaverse browser).

This project is supported by Improbable and you can see some of the inspiration for the project in the M² codex. Improbable will be contributing to some of the key technical components (the Blockchain) but the project will require a host of people to fufill its vision (Ecosystem).

This is the first public version of a document outlining a project with many parts. We fully anticipate revisions, changes and community-driven modifications to our plans at this early stage, so please bear this in mind when exploring the Codex.

This document goes into detail of the mission, problem and proposed solution that Somnia will undertake. Welcome to the start of a new virtual society where the creator economy can thrive.

Somnia Project is looking to bring together various technologies and communities to solve the problems that we highlighted earlier. In this section we focus on the technology elements Somnia is currently building. This technology includes:

  • The Somnia Blockchain – A high performance blockchain built for the high performance and low cost needed for the metaverse.
  • The Somnia Protocol – A protocol to define all the people, places and things across the network and their logic. This will enable interoperability and compatibility across the metaverse.
  • Somnia ecosystem – A collection of applications, services, standards and experiences built on top of the protocol and blockchain.
  • The Metaverse browser – A web based front end to interact with all the experiences on the Somnia network and applications.

Somnia Airdrop:

  • Reward: Up to 5 USDT
  • Winner: Random winners
  • Distribution: 20th May 2024
  • Note: After the distribution, the airdrop link will be closed; stay tuned for a new crypto airdrop link.

How to Claim Somnia Airdrop:

  1. Start chatting with the Telegram Bot-1 & Bot-2 here!
  2. Follow the Telegram Bot’s instructions and earn airdrop tokens after the airdrop ends.
  3. As well as participating in KittyCoin Airdrop.

Airdrop Rewards:

  • Total Airdrop Pool: 1000 USDT
  • The top 100 referrers will share 500 USDT as follows:
  • 1st place: 60 USDT
  • 2nd place: 50 USDT
  • 3rd place: 40 USDT
  • 4th place: 30 USDT
  • 5th place: 20 USDT
  • 6th to 10th place: 10 USDT each
  • 11th to 20th place: 5 USDT each
  • 21st to 100th place: 2.5 USDT each.

Stay up-to-date on the latest crypto airdrops by following us on our Telegram channel!

Note: If you are having trouble claiming the new crypto airdrop, check out the video below!

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