Soil Airdrop » Claim FREE $SOIL

The soil airdrop is currently active and is a fantastic opportunity to obtain $SOIL tokens valued at $5000 for free. The newest crypto airdrop on the market assures participants of honest incentives. Finding a legitimate airdrop that delivers free money without any ulterior motives is refreshing, given the increase in airdrops in the cryptocurrency market. Don’t pass up this opportunity to expand your portfolio with some worthwhile tokens. Before the airdrop expires, take advantage of your free $SOIL tokens!

About Soil:

Soil is a blockchain-based lending protocol that bridges the gap between traditional finance and the crypto world, reshaping corporate debt and fixed-income investments. It is a debt marketplace where established companies can obtain financing and crypto investors can lend their stablecoins to earn yield derived from Real World Assets that exist off-chain.

As Soil bridges the worlds of traditional finance and digital cryptocurrencies, regulatory compliance is our top priority. We are fully compliant with current regulations, and as an entity based in the European Union, our business model aligns with upcoming transformative changes in the EU’s legal framework, notably MiCA (Markets in Crypto Assets).

To interact with the Soil protocol, you choose a lending pool based on your preferred return and duration. Then, you deposit your stablecoins (USDC) to start earning a passive income. Furthermore, if you hold the Soil token, you can lock your coins on the protocol to boost your total yield (APY) in the lending pool.

Using the protocol involves Polygon blockchain transaction fees, which vary based on network conditions and transaction complexity.

The yield generated on stablecoins from the lending pools comes from the interest paid on loans extended to companies, specifically Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), by private debt fund managers. These loans are customized to meet the unique growth requirements of each company.

Yes, all loans approved by private debt fund managers are fully collateralized by Real World Assets, supported by a wide range of legal documents. These loans are closely monitored, each with specific covenants. Examples of collateral for these loans include registered pledges on shares and assets, mortgages on plots and assets, personal guarantees, submission to enforcement, sureties for parent companies or other entities, escrow accounts, and assignments of loans.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in driving economic growth in any country, often contributing up to 50% of the GDP (gross domestic product) growth. However, these enterprises frequently struggle to access external capital to expand and enhance their productivity. Traditional banks, constrained by regulatory frameworks, tend to be slow, inflexible, and inefficient in providing financing to SMEs. Soil recognizes this misallocation of resources and strives to bridge this gap. SMEs are not only vital for economic growth but also serve as hubs of entrepreneurship, innovation, and job creation.

Commercial banks encounter significant challenges when it comes to lending to small businesses. These challenges primarily include the absence of a banking or credit history that would grant SMEs easy access to funds from commercial banks. Additionally, many SMEs lack clear collateral to secure their financing. Banks often lack flexibility and do not explore creative financing solutions. This is where private debt funds step in, offering customized solutions to help finance these companies.

We finance a variety of small to medium-sized enterprises, including but not limited to medical centers, furniture producers, manufacturing plants, real estate developers, and many others.

At the protocol level, we have a built-in guarantee fund, operating through a smart contract, which serves to mitigate potential losses on deposits and acts as a safeguard against chain-related risks. These reserves are funded by a percentage of the protocol’s profits and are held in separate accounts. All loans facilitated by the protocol maintain a high level of collateralization and are subject to regular covenant monitoring by fund managers.

Soil Airdrop:

  • Reward: $5K in $SOIL
  • Winner: FCFS + Random winners
  • Distribution: 20th October 2023.

How to Claim Soil Airdrop:

  1. You can start by visiting the official Airdrop Page-1 & Page-2 & Page-3 & Page-4!
  2. You can participate in the airdrop by submitting your name, email address, or social media account.
  3. After completing all the tasks and the airdrop, you will receive your reward.
  4. In addition, you can apply for a DumbMoney Airdrop.

Airdrop Prize:

  • Total airdrop prize: $SOIL tokens valued at $5000 USDT.

Stay up-to-date on the latest crypto airdrops by following us on our Telegram channel!

Note: If you are having trouble claiming the new legit crypto airdrop, watch this video!

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